Thursday, August 19, 2010

Pizza on the Grill--Again

(I apologize for being M.I.A. for the last week. It feels weird not having blogged at all! But there hasn't been too much to blog about. We haven't been cooking a lot, due to Nate's brother being in town over the weekend and being busy on weeknights.)

We haven't made it for quite some time (too busy grilling other stuff I guess), but as I've mentioned before, making pizza on the grill is one of my new-ish favorite things.

I had some girlfriends over Tuesday night (the group I do ethnic dining with). We decided to mix up our monthly outings by having a cookout at my house.

I made two grilled pizzas for us. I made some last year, and they were a hit, so I wanted to make them again.

The first one I made was a BBQ chicken pizza. I used Saz's BBQ sauce (my favorite!) for the base. I had previously cooked one chicken breast (chopped) on the stove top, just mixed with some BBQ sauce, garlic powder, a bit of chili powder, salt and pepper. I spread the chicken on the pizza as well as sauteed yellow onion and cheddar cheese.

For the other pizza, a vegetarian one, I used an olive-feta cheese spread from Outpost as the sauce, and I put green and red pepper on top as well as some crumbled feta.

For how to make pizza on the grill, check out this blog post. There are step-by-step instructions on the post.

In addition to the pizza, everyone brought a delicious component to the night's meal.

Leah brought little cucumber sandwiches, which were pieces of bread with a cream cheese and herb spread, topped with a cucumber and some dill.

Lisa brought a super delicious (I think we were all a little surprised!) "massaged" kale salad, with apples, sunflower seeds, onions, currants and more. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture.
Here is the recipe.
For dessert, Sun made fabulous oatmeal creme pie cookie sandwiches (a take off on the Little Debbie cookie sandwiches). They're super rich, but, of course, super delicious! Here is the recipe.
As always, we had a great meal together!


  1. You guys sure know how to put together a meal! It all sounds delicious.

  2. I'm very curious about this "massaged kale..." will the details of that massage be in the recipe? i must say, i'm kind of jealous of the kale :)

  3. Becky, check out the recipe. I have the link on here now. I guess you massage the kale in salt so it's less tough (that's my guess, anyway). It was fantastic!
